POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Family, AND MORE

Vesta’s Meal

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
As the "house" of Vesta, the goddess of hearth fire, the Temple of Vesta was the symbolic hearth of all of Rome and played a large role in the empire's protection and fortune. Every year on this day, the vestal virgins would open their temple to all the women of Rome, who came in barefoot, dressed in simple clothes, and bearing offerings of everyday food. Ensure fortune, health, and happiness for your family today. Honor Vesta by making a hearty home-cooked meal. Pick comfort foods that everyone can enjoy. Set some bread, a small dish of water, and a few pinches of salt in the middle of the dinner table as an offering to the goddess, then light a white candle to represent her fire and say the following blessing:
Wherever a home is tended,
Vesta makes a sanctuary.
Preserve our home and family,
In love, health, and safety.

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