POSTED UNDER Charm, Cure, Luck

Lucky Seven

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lilac
On the goddesses' magic wheel of time, odd numbers were sacred. Sacred scriptures from many cultures link the number seven with sacred beings: The Pleiades or Seven Sisters in early Greece, The Seven Mothers of the World in pre-vedic India, The Seven Midwives in Egypt, or the Seven Sages of Arabia. Both Artemis and Aphrodite were associated with the ancient cult of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Today, the seventh day of the seventh month, perform a powerful luck spell. Take seven coins in your hand and stack them with the largest value on the bottom, the smallest on top forming a small pillar. Wrap the pillar in a scrap of red or purple cloth. Tie a knot to secure the cloth and invoke Lady Luck-Roman triple goddess Fortuna.
Fortuna, bless this charm, make it lucky indeed.
Leave the charm at a crossroads as an offering. As it leaves your hand, know luck flows freely to you seven-fold.

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