POSTED UNDER Money, Wealth

Financial Health

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Wednesday, a day of the week associated with Mercury. The Romans attributed commerce and wealth to this god, so you may be tempted to do a quick money spell to bring in enough cash to cover this month's bills-but what about next month? Instead, look toward working with Mercury to create healthier financial habits. This may involve buying some Finance 101 books that are aimed at a general audience, exploring relevant Web sites, and perhaps even seeking out a financial adviser for help improving your situation. Ask Mercury to help you find the resources you need at the best time possible:
Mercury, Hermes, god of wealth,
Help me gain financial health.
I'll take the time to learn things well,
Explore beyond the money spell.
Wise god, guide me in the right direction
And help me take the proper actions.

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