POSTED UNDER Earth, Passion

Remember the Slave Trade

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Today is the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. It's a long title, yes, and its meaning is just as big. We are all at least somewhat familiar with the American slave trade. Today, take a good amount of time to research the slave trade. Use the Internet, encyclopedias, history books, or talk to people who are very informed about its history. You will begin to feel-and strongly feel-the energy of injustice rise within you. How could such cruelty and evil be inflicted by one group of people to another group? As you feel this anger, also feel sorrow and compassion for those brutalized and enslaved during that dark period of American history. On the candle, inscribe the word "FREEDOM" on the wax in capital letters. Ignite it, saying:
I light this candle to commemorate all those mistreated in the slave trade. Oh, Mighty Ancestors who suffered at the hands of cruelty and evil, be free! Be free! Be free! Gone forever injustice shall be, and in a state of Unity the Earth shall become. I thank you for your sacrifices for the human race. You are never forgotten, and are forever free.

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