POSTED UNDER Earth, Prosperity

Opiconsivia (Roman)

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Today is one of the days Romans honored the goddess Ops, Earth Mother (the other day is Opalia, December 19). Ops came to be associated with abundance and prosperity. She made vegetation grow, and was sometimes invoked by sitting and placing hands on the ground. This is an appropriate day to celebrate our connection to the Earth and to be mindful of the natural world. Find a way to get outside if you can; if not, sit on the floor. Visualize yourself connecting with the Earth. Imagine your fingers reaching down, touching the roots of trees and plants. Feel the connection. Honor Mother Earth today by purchasing some locally grown or organic produce and preparing a special meal-or set up a birdfeeder in your yard. Think of other ways you can care for Mother Earth and show appreciation for nature.

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