Letting Go Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Pine
The waning Moon supports culling, releasing, and letting go. We all face loss: a pet dies, a relationship changes, a job ends, or a cherished friend is gone. We also experience sadness as the seasons shift. Summer's gone, and with it the expansive, fertile energy of the Mother goddess. In autumn, the energy of the Crone is upon us-goddess of decay, death, and rebirth. Acknowledging death and decay opens you to the powerful energy of rebirth. Get a leaf that has fallen to the ground. Say:
I knew you maiden, young and shining,
Saw you ripen, mother of all,
Now you age and return to the earth,
Nourishes as you compost,
Matter of rebirth.
As the leaf falls from your hand to the ground, know it will compost, producing matter to nourish and sustain spring's new life. Be at peace with the ancient cycle: Birth, life, death, rebirth.

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