Prescription for Life

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
I am a crone. You are a warrior refining your skills. She is a maiden or perhaps a mother with babe swollen in her belly. Our day begins, each one of us with different needs, different expectations; each of us requiring our own personal medicine. What is your prescription for life today? We might ask this question and simply draw a tarot card, rune, or ogam. But it is interesting to discover what nature whispers softly to us. Go out into the day. Sharpen your senses. Listen, look, smell, and feel. Allow yourself to experience this heightened expectation of magic brewing. Go for a walk and remain very alert and aware of what's around you. Begin to collect objects that come into your sphere. An acorn, a playing card, a perfect branch of birch, a goose feather that falls from the tree right into the palm of your hand, an electric-blue shard of glass, someone's discarded newspaper. It can be anything that catches your attention or simply happens before you. Make it like a scavenger hunt, discovering hidden treasure. When you return home, spread out all of your findings. Think about what they may represent in your life that you need right now. Create your own medicine by divining the secrets of your found objects and then writing a personal prescription for your life.

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