Challenge the Status Quo

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Sometimes things just need to change, and maybe you feel it's time to buck the status quo. Sketch a copy of the Hierophant card from your tarot deck, print the image of one off the Internet, or even draw your own. Gather the picture, a black candle and holder, and a broom (your magical broom is great, but the kitchen broom is just fine). Create your sacred space, and place the black candle on top of the picture. Repeat the following:

Now remove the status quo
Let the ideas flow and grow
Remove what hinders and transform
Sweep away the tired norm

As you chant, make the image under the candle synonymous with the situation you wish would change. When you feel the energy has reached its peak, tear the image into tiny pieces, cast it on the floor and sweep it away, cutting open your magic circle if necessary. Recycle or compost the paper for true transformation!

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