POSTED UNDER Love, Passion, Romance

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Knot

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Valentine's Day

This Valentine's Day, make a little special love magic with your sweetie (who must be a willing participant, of course!) by trying out some traditional knot magic. Get an 8 x 8-inch square of fabric (or larger) and hem the edges with red thread (or use a red kerchief). Tie two knots in the fabric and have your lover tie two knots. Then tie the whole thing in one big loose knot, and each hold one end. As you pull the knot tight, say:

My love is knot, not untrue;
With this I bind my love to you!

This will make it hard for anything to come between you. Keep the knot in a safe place and anoint it periodically with magical oils to keep it charged-cinnamon for spicy passion, rose for romance, and basil for fidelity. If for some reason you and your sweetie decide to part ways, just make sure to untie the knots!
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