Make Your Mind Blossom

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ivy
Your mind is what controls your magic. The stronger and more versatile you can make your mind, the better your magic will get. This exercise hones your skills of visualization, concentration, and mental endurance. Close your eyes and imagine a glass vase. See its shape and feel its cool weight in your hand. Now visualize a rose in your other hand. See its color, smell its sweet fragrance, and feel its stem in your fingertips. Place the rose in the vase. While still maintaining your visualization of the rose in the vase, imagine a daisy in the same detail. Add it to the vase. Continue creating flowers in your mind and adding them to the bouquet in your vase, always holding the earlier flowers as well. Stop when you start to feel tired (or get a headache), or when you lose track of some of the flowers.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=4467