POSTED UNDER Spring, Water

Cauldron Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Juniper
As with most spells, many of the same ingredients and tools are used, just not in the same measures or with the same intent. Here is a basic cauldron spell that can be adapted for many different purposes. You can use a large cauldron over an open fire, or you can use a small cauldron over small votive candle. Half fill the cauldron with pure spring water and place it over the fire. As it warms, add herbs appropriate to your intent. Stir the cauldron with a wooden branch and speak to the swirling waters as the water simmers and steam starts to rise. If you chose to use the cauldron spell for divination, add some cinnamon and pour some olive oil onto the simmering water. Douse the fire and wait for the water to cool. Gaze into the cauldron and "read" the symbols you see floating in the oily surface. Each of us has our own symbols that mean something specific. It may take awhile to discover what your personal symbols are, but the more you use this technique, the more clearly your symbols will manifest for you.
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