Full Moon Elemental Spell

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Build a fire outside. This can be in your yard, or in a small cauldron on a porch, or simply an arrangement of candles on your windowsill. When the Full Moon is visible, set a shallow bowl of water in front of your fire positioned in such a way so that the Moon and the flames are reflected in the surface of the water. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on the surface of the water, and light incense of dragon's blood. Fan the incense across the water in your bowl so the images ripple, saying:

Mother Moon hear my call
Elementals one and all
Hear the spell I cast tonight
While bathed in Mother Moon's pure light

Then state your desire clearly. Be very sure you know exactly what you want. Wait at least a quarter of an hour before snuffing your candles and emptying the bowl.
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