When Faith Falters

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Apricot
There's much more in the world to lose faith in than just God(s). You can find your trust in your partner wavering, or your belief that the people around you have good intentions. When this happens, it is not a time to be silent, but a time when you need to make it known that you need reason for hope and trust. While asking for a sign too often might wind up with an unfortunate lightning strike, you can gently ask for a little help with this method:
Every time you feel completely overwhelmed by despair, write down what grieves you on a slip of paper and place it in a bowl or jar. Once a month, take these slips of paper out, read them aloud and burn them - you are telling the divine that these are the things you need help with. Always ask that divine assistance help gently.
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