The Serpent of Sustainability

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
As Pagans, we draw inspiration from the world around us. Nature functions in cycles, where the waste output by one system becomes the nutrient input to the next system, all fitting together to form a worldwide ecosystem. We call this "sustanable" because it can keep going indefinitely. Human systems aren't all sustainable, but we are working in that direction.
For this spell, you need a wide beeswax candle and an image of Ouroboros, the snake swallowing its own tail. Inscribe a copy of Ouroboros onto the candle and onto all your sustainability efforts (your recycling bin, etc.).
Light the candle, saying:
As the great serpent
Turns to swallow its tail,
The Earth and I sustain each
Forever, without fail.
Meditate on sustainability and how to achieve it at least once a month. When the candle is down to a stub, use it to light your next candle.
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