POSTED UNDER Prosperity, Solstice, Sun, AND MORE

Welcome the Gods of Winter

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Lily
In Celtic countries, many ritual processions took place in the weeks leading up to the solstice and Christmas season. Many had very ancient pagan origins. In remote areas, songs were sung by groups of men who went from house to house. One of the men wore a bull's hide and led the procession around the house in a sunwise direction. The leader shook the horns and hooves of the hide, while the other men beat on it with sticks. These are some of the words to their ancient winter processionals:
Hey the gift, ho the gift,
Hey the gift on the living!

I see on the hills, I see on the
I see the host upon the land

Since the poet must not tarry,
Arise and open the door to

Prosperity be upon this house
And all you have heard and

Ho! Hail! Let there be joy!
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