Dream Interpretation Exercise

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
A great way to enhance your dream interpretations is to spend the day being hyper-observant of anything symbolic in your waking life. For example, if you're walking down a street and you see a barking dog, what does that represent to you? Is it a warning? We say a dog is "man's best friend," so could it represent a friend in trouble? Or a "yappy" aspect of yourself?
If the weather is prominent, is it stormy? Do you sometimes feel over- emotional?
Do you see a dilapidated house?
Houses represent the mansion of the soul. Are you taking care of yourself?
What about food? Do you see delicious cakes filled with cream and dripping with chocolate that you either can't afford to buy or don't want to buy because of the calories?
How often do you deny yourself pleasure?
Take notes and meditate on the meanings of anything you see.
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