Spell for Birthing

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon
Whether it is child birthing, or creating a work of art, or even writing an article or a book, there is pain in creation. Physical, emotional, and spiritual stress come into play when we are bringing a new life into the world. This birthing spell calls on the element of Fire to help us deal with great effort necessary to achieve something wonderful. You'll need:

1 cup of potting soil
1 cup of spring water
a pinch of salt
a pinch of cinnamon
3 white votive candle
a small pan
a small bowl
a wooden spoon

1. Place the soil, water, salt, and cinnamon in the pan and bring it to a boil on your stove. Use a wooden spoon to stir in a widdershins motion as the mixture begins to bubble. This keeps the mixture from overcooking. (To stir it UP, you'd be using a deosil motion.)
As you stir, chant softly:

Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, give to me a thing most fair.

2. Take the pan from the stove and pour the mixture into the bowl. Place the bowl on a table.

3. Light the three candles. Allow the candles to burn completely.

4. Take the cooled mixture and sprinkle it outside your door, or if necessary, put it in a small flower pot.

As you go into "labor," think of the prepared soil and the spell that you created to control the pain or anxiety as you stirred the pot.
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