A Garden Protection Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
The planting season is in full swing, and now is the time to protect your garden from any pests. This spell will surround your garden with a protective aura. The spell is contained in the following verse.
On a May eve, when the shadows of night lie upon the land, in a firm voice, announce this command:

By the pwers of all the directions-east, west, north and south- I demand that all pests, be cast out!

Conclude the ritual by holding a twig in your power hand, and as you do so, turn clockwise to seal your garden with a shield of protective energy.
Finally, break the twig in two and throw it in a direction away from your garden. All animals-both beast and fowl-have witnessed your magical decree. Now, rest easy.
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