May They Never Thirst

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Neroli
The festival of Neptunalia began on this day, as did the Egyptian Dog Days. Celebrate by asking Neptune to ensure that all dogs, especially strays, have access to water. Anoint a blue candle with eucalyptus oil and consecrate it to both Anubis and Neptune. Light it and ask them both to assist you in a meditation on all dogs having access to water.
It might sound silly, but have a bowl of water ready and lap at it like a dog, imagining that all dogs around the world can find water. Feel the satisfaction of a dry thirst being quenched. Imagine dogs playfully romping near water, lapping, and enjoying its life-giving qualities.
Burn bladderwrack, althea, and fern, while you meditate on Anubis and Neptune working together to seek out all thirsty dogs, ensuring their safety and health. Be extra kind to the dogs you come across on this day.
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