POSTED UNDER Charm, Cure, Friends, AND MORE

The Key to Love Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Rose
This New Moon falls on an especially powerful day. Friday is Venus's day, a day to honor love and friendship. Also, in ancient Rome on this day the god Portunus was honored. His exact role among the deities worshipped by the Romans remains somewhat obscure. But, originally he ruled over doors, gates, and thresholds, and was depicted as carrying a key. So, if there was ever a day to cast a love spell to unlock the flow of romance coming into your life, this is it. You'll need an old key you no longer use. After dark, open your front door. As you stand at your threshold, hold the key over your heart and say:

"With this key and the hand of fate,
I unlock every door and every gate
To let in the love which is coming to me.
With this key the power of love has been released
And is coming to me with speed and perfect ease."

At bedtime place the key with three white candy-coated almonds beneath your pillow. You should have a prophetic dream about your future lover. Afterward keep the key hidden, or keep it with other love charms.
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