Fall Leaves Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Clary Sage
It's always a good idea to use natural materials in spell working. Trying to incorporate exotic spices and materials can be fun, but our ancestors made do with the flora and fauna from their immediate environment, and so can we.

Gather a variety of leaves as their colors change. Press them in an album that has acid-free paper. After a week or two, examine the leaves and look for patterns, as though you were reading tea leaves. Each leaf will have its own story to tell you.

Write your observations about the leaf on the album page. When you need material for a spell working, leaf through your leaf book. The leaves can be used whole, or they can be ground to make a powder.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=4948