Meditation on Abundance

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Clove
We often take what we have for granted, and it can be affirming to practice thankfulness.
If you are reading this, it means you can read; there are many people in the world who cannot. Consider the number of living family members and the number of friends you have. Think about the cats and dogs in your life and realize that not everyone can afford to feed and care for pets. Do you have plants on your windowsill, or garden? Those are living beings in your life as well. Look in your closet, and add up how many pieces of clothing you have - ignore whether they fit you, or are in style. Any clothing will cover you and keep you warm. go to the supermarket and count the number of fruits and vegetables available to eat, and reflect on the number of places they come from so you can have a healthy and varied diet.
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