Bring Nature Indoors

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Many of us want to bring the natural world into our lives. That's one reason we share our homes with cats and dogs, fish and canaries. But some of us aren't in a situation to keep pets. House plants are a possibility, but what are other ways to bring nature indoors?
In the fall, go on a nature walk and gather autumn leaves. Spray preservatives can be bought at craft stores, and you can pin leaves to Styrofoam forms in the shape of wreaths or other designs. You can go for a walk, and pick up rocks and stones, or shells if you are near an ocean, and arrange them in a bowl, or on a tray with sand underneath. Or get a fountain kit, even just an aquarium pump and a container, and make an arrangement of rocks and shells you've gathered, with water running over them.
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