Full Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lavender
During this Full Moon, communication is everything. Over the upcoming holidays, communicating with eloquence and grace honors those whom you care about.
Arrange a bouquet of white carnations representing bonds of affection and pure love; add a few ferns for sincerity.
Place the flowers in the best vase you own; if it's a family heirloom, all the better. If you haven't sent out your holiday cards, you may wish to have them nearby to bless them. Anoint the base of your neck and the center of your forehead with lavender oil, light a white cnadle, and think joyful thoughts. As you ask the Moon Goddess to guide you through holiday gatherings and communications, say:

"Shining Lady Moon of my being
Unto the divine within,
Walk with me during the month ahead,
Help me to act with honor
And to speak with honor
In all that I do.
Help me to walk in your love and your light
With grace, dignity, and wisdom."

Keep the bouquet in your home for as long as it lasts. Before you attend any gatherings or write your cards during the upcoming month, anoint the base of your neck with lavender oil again, and communicate with love and honor.
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Mickie Mueller (Missouri) explores magic and spirituality through art and the written word. She includes magical herbal washes in her art that correspond with the subject, making every piece enchanted. She is the author/illustrator of The Voice of the Trees; the illustrator of The Mystical Cats ...
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