POSTED UNDER Air, Blessing, Money

A Blessing for Stockings

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Neroli
A widespread European tradition calls for hanging stockings from the mantelpiece on Christmas Eve.
Originally just everyday socks, these have evolved into specially decorated sock-shaped bags. The holiday spirit (Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, Frau Holle, Odin, etc.) leaves small gifts, fruit, or money in the stockings. Those who behave well receive the most and best gifts. Those who behave badly may receive nothing, or only a lump of coal. This fits with many historic fairy tales that encourage dutiful behavior. Here is a blessing to say while hanging stockings. It touches on the tradition of almsgiving at Christmas, taking care of the less fortunate. This is ideal if you make donations to charity at this time.

"I've been good
And I've done right;
Fill my sock
With treats tonight.
One more thing
I ask of you:
Fill the poor
Folks' stockings too."
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