POSTED UNDER Charm, Friends

A Food Drive Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Balsam
Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Thursday and is known for qualities such as generosity and sharing. And since three is a number associated with goodwill, this would be an auspicious day to do spellwork for charity and giving.
With the holidays over, charity food banks begin to struggle. This spell will help ease their shortages.
Work this spell with friends or coven members. Begin by asking friends to donate one item for the food drive, and request that they ask others to do the same. Then light two candles: one royal blue and one orange. Next, repeat this charm three times:

"Let our circle of sharing and caring expand. So mote it be."

Repeat this ritual for three nights, moving the candles farther apart each night. Hopefully this spell will turn into a regular charitable act.
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