POSTED UNDER Cat, Moon, Spring

New Moon Growing Projects

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lily
Spring is just around the corner and new projects are in the planning. It's time to sit under the new moon, the dark night sky, and plot your next projects.
A small dark moon ritual to the goddess Hecate to point you in the right direction is always a good way to start. In a quiet, darkened place with a single candle lit, sit and discuss with Hecate what projects are before you and ask her guidance to figure out where to start. I like to put the projects on index cards and use a pendulum to point to the first one to tackle. When she has shown you where to start, write on that card what ideas come to mind. Hecate, the goddess of the crossroads, will offer suggestions if you listen. Afterward, leave some offering to Hecate outside your door, if possible, to say thanks.
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