POSTED UNDER Cure, Earth, Prayer, AND MORE

Isis and Horus Full Moon of Protection

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
There may be times when a mother feels the need for protection for herself and her baby. Do this little ritual in a place where you feel you are the safest. Use a white candle for Isis and a red candle for Horus. Use water mixed with some salt to represent earth, and water with a black stone sitting in the mix as a center for protection. Sprinkle the water/salt mix around your circle. Create your circle, calling Isis as the Goddess and Horus as the God. When you are all prepared, hold your baby and the stone taken out of the salt/water mix and say this little prayer-it is easy to learn and can be repeated until you feel the secure touch of the Goddess:

"Lady Isis, hear my plea.
Protect my baby and protect me.
As Horus sits safely on your knee,
Keep us safe and trouble free."

When you are done, have some milk and a cookie. Thank Isis and Horus and ask that they stay to keep you feeling safe till the troubles pass.
If you find you are still troubled, make sure you have taken care of the mundane reasons for your insecurity first...and then repeat this prayer/ritual as needed.
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