POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Home, AND MORE

A Simple Hearth

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Today is the festival of Vestalia, the celebration of Vesta's flame in Rome. We can bring Vesta, goddess of hearth and home, into our own homes by tending to our hearths.
Choose a candle to represent your hearth. This works best with a pillar, but any candle will do. On the candle, carve symbols of a safe and welcoming home, and, if you wish, anoint it with oils that fit your idea of a welcoming home (orange for good cheer, cinnamon and nutmeg for prosperity, rosemary or lavender for health and balance).
Each time you tend your home by doing chores, light the candle and repeat a simple blessing for your home, such as:

"Here is hearth, here is home. Blessings on all within."

When you're done, extinguish the candle, letting the smoke carry the blessing through your home. Create a new candle as needed.
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