POSTED UNDER Summer, Water

Wild Water Magic

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Make a vow: I will not walk by wild water.
It's still early in the summer and chances are you will visit water in its natural state, be it a river, pond, ocean, stream, lake, or waterfall. When you do, do not walk by. Instead, squat down at the shore, dip your hands in the water, and whisper:

"Sacred mother of emotion and psychic intuition, I greet you."

Look for signs of danger or pollution, and if you see them, heed the warning. But if you can, shed your clothes and enter the water. Wash your arms, legs, and torso, saying:

"Mother, cleanse, heal, and nourish me."

Relax into the embrace of the water:

"Cradle me as I float in the waters of your womb. Buoy me up and support me."

Now dip under, letting the water cover the crown of your head. Then resurface, feeling reborn, fresh and new, restored and sanctified by the mother.
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