POSTED UNDER Autumn, Home, Luck

The Festival of Felicitas

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
On this day the ancient Romans celebrated Felicitas, goddess of good luck and joy. One of her sacred symbols was the cornucopia. You can use a cornucopia to add joy to your life.
If you have a cornucopia, place it in a prominent place in your home and fill it with fruit, gourds, and corn. If you don't have one, a basket will do. Next fill a bowl with nine pennies and set it next to the cornucopia. Pick up a penny and hold it in your hand, focusing on something that brings you joy. Visualize it completely until it brings a smile to your face. Drop it into the cornucopia. Repeat with the other coins, naming each one for a different joy in your life until they are all gone. You have just filled your cornucopia with nine joys!
Leave the cornucopia out as a decoration all autumn, refilling the fruit as you eat it, and watch your joys multiply.
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