Seeing More Clearly

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
Our winter sky is filled with bright stars. People have been gazing at them for millennia. We've always found inspiration in the stars. If it's not too cold tonight, go outside and look up. In Saint-Exupery's novella The Little Prince, we learn that the stars sing. Can you hear them?
Buy a copy of Van Gogh's painting Starry Night and hang it where you'll see it every day. Study the swirling clouds, the luminous crescent moon and stars. How does the energy move you? Study the dark town. Who lives there? And the massive structure-is it a mountain? A tree? What does it signify to you? Why do we want to reach the stars?
Are you ready to climb up to the sky? Invoke your own bright stars:

"Blessed holy stars that sail above me-
Enlighten my mind, my heart, my life.
Show me what my path is,
Lighten my way."
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About Barbara Ardinger
Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D., (Long Beach, California), is a Witch, teacher, and freelance writer.  She holds a Ph.D. in English Renaissance literature. ...
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