POSTED UNDER Blessing, Charm

A blessing for Art

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender
It is a good idea to bless things that you create yourself, whether it's a painting, a sculpture, jewelry, or a scarf. When you take various ingredients and join them into a new creation, you are giving a new "life" and purpose to those ingredients and join them into a new creation, you are giving a new "life" and purpose to those ingredients.
Blessing them in their new function is a good way to make sure all the parts are aligned as one, similar to how we charge charms, oils, etc., to align everything with our magical goal.
To cast this spell, hold the new item, or place your hands on it if it is too big to hold, and send energy into the item while speaking this chant:

"Here I did shape with my own two hands,
And give form to these joined strands.
Idle bits fused in purpose and in art,
New life granted; a clean, fresh start."
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About Michael Furie
Michael Furie (Northern California) is the author of Supermarket Sabbats, Spellcasting for Beginners, Supermarket Magic, Spellcasting: Beyond the Basics, and more, all from Llewellyn Worldwide. A practicing Witch for more than twenty years, he is a priest of the Cailleach. ...
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