POSTED UNDER Air, Cure, Protection

Computer Cleanup and Protection

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Balsam
The holidays are over and the decorations are down, and now it is time to clean up your computer.
Be sure your virus protection is up to date and your subscription is current; if not, it's time to purchase the new anti-virus software of your choice. Make sure your files are backed up, because it is not a matter of if your computer will die, but when.
Also, be sure to clean your computer. Open it up and get all the dush bunnies that will block your air flow and cause the machine to overheat. Remove paper, dirt, dust, and anything else that may be blocking the air vents. Clean inside and the outside of the air vents. If you don't know how, seek professional help. Make a pentacle with protection oil on your tower and/or laptop covers.
Ask the Gods for special protection for your data. Keep it safe and secure.
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