Room Cleansing Spell

To cleanse a room, during the eighth hour after sunrise or the third hour after sunset place the following items on a tray: one sprig of white heather, one lit white candle in a holder, lit frankincense in a holder, and a bowl of blessed water (salted and consecrated). Take the candle and the incense and walk around the interior of the room saying: "By fire and flame, by smoke and scent, I drive from this room all chaos and dissent." Asperse the water around the room using the sprig, sprinkling the baseboards, walls, cornices, and floor saying: "By water and salt, by herb and flower, peace and contentment return in this hour." Take the tray out of doors and say: "Follow the light, follow the scent. Into the earth and into the air, energies gathered here I now vent." Blow out the candle, bury the incense, laying the sprig and pouring the water on top.
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