Celtic Cross Spell

Making the sign of the cross acts as a protective spell, even for non-Christians, because it uses the powers of the four elements to act as a shield and barrier. As a variation of this gesture, you can draw a Celtic cross over your solar plexus-bad energy often goes straight to the stomach-when you have to deal with hostile people. To effect the spell, draw your fingers across your upper and lower abdomen to make an equal-armed cross. Repeat this motion several times, while visualizing a shield of protective energy building in front of you. Then, rub your palm around the area in a circular motion until you feel more relaxed. If you have to confront negativity on a regular basis, hang a Celtic cross on a very long cord, and wear it beneath your shirt, positioned about your navel.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=550