Come to Me Business Prosperity Powder

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Lure more paying traffic to your place of business with this magic powder. Grind equal parts of basil, cedar, thyme, and ginger with a mortar and pestle or a coffee grinder. Add one packet of Stevia sweetener to make your business even more appealing. Finally, mix the combined powders with four parts ground cinnamon to both make it go further and add some heat to the mix.
This powder is very easy to use. If possible, start just outside your doorway, sprinkling the powder lightly, and work your way inside as though you were laying a trail of breadcrumbs for potential customers to follow. You don't need to sprinkle it more than three feet inside your door. If possible, leave the powder down for an entire business day - you'll need to use the powder lightly to do this.
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