Protecting Freedom

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Pine
This is World Press Freedom Day. It's all about freedom of speech and freedom of expression in all its forms. To Pagans, it touches our right to talk and write about our religion. In some places, these rights are protected, and Pagans are often silenced or even hunted. Freedom is knowledge; knowledge is power.
This spell is about protecting that feedom and its power. As a focus, you'll need a banned book, preferably a Pagan one. Charge it with this invocation:

"The magic flies down hidden ways and sleeps in secret words, then frees its voice in brighter days to soar like wild birds."

Whenever you find an article about freedom of speech, tuck it between the pages and repeat the incantation in support of that freedom. What we will, will be.
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