POSTED UNDER Air, Garden, Relationships

Faerie Garden Blessing

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Ginger
Call upon the faeries, the Fey, the Wild Ones of Nature, to bless your garden with this simple spell.
Consider the fact that if you live outside of Europe, and you yourself are of some European descent, the fey ones you call may be both European faerie and native-to-the-land Fey. This is a crucial understanding. To learn more about the relationships between migratory spirits and indigenous spirits of place, read Charles de Lint's Newford series.
Lay out sweet offerings of organic honey, cacao, nectar, and perhaps dairy milk if you are keen on the European faeries as well.
Sing and shake bells in the center of your garden to call in the Good Neighbors:

"Come, blessed Wild Ones,
Here to this garden,
Laid here are offerings,
For you to take in.
Come, blessed faeries,
Here to this garden,
I sing for your honor,
Inviting you in."
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Gede Parma (Fio Aengus) is a Balinese-Australian witch, international teacher, magical mentor, author, and initiate. Gede (they/them pronouns) cherishes the initiatory mysteries of four powerful witchcraft traditions, and is a co-founder of the Coven of the Wildwood and midwife and initiate of ...
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