Poppet Fertility Magic

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clary Sage
For this spell, you'll need to make a small poppet, or magic doll. It needs to be big enough for you to easily stuff, but that's the only size requirement. You'll also want to either draw on facial features with permanent markers or embroider them. Name the doll. (This will be either your name or the name of a friend who has asked for a little extra help.) Stuff the doll with a mixture of sunflower seeds and either dried ginger or mint. In the tummy area, place a small rose quartz. Sew the doll shut.
Place the doll on an altar between green and red candles, calling on whichever fertility deities you choose. Allow the candles to burn for a half hour daily for as long as you feel is needed.
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