Multicultural Magic

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
Today is the first day of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights. So many faiths practice the celebration of light at this time of year that the ritual feels almost universal.
Take time to illuminate your home, and celebrate the multicultural diversity that makes our communities bright, rich, varied, and textured. Use nine candles, the same number used in the Chanukiah, the nine-armed menorah used at Hanukkah. The number nine represents harmony, inspiration, and the perfection of ideas.
Use nine different candles. Place each one in a safe, fireproof holder. Create a safe and sacred space. Dim the lights. Look at each candle, meditating on someone you know from another culture. As you ritually light the candle, see their face bathed in light. When you have illuminated the candles, representing people from different cultural origins, sit bathed in light and know how much brighter life is made by their unique presence.
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