POSTED UNDER Healing, Rain

Renew Your Spirit Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
It's easy to become depressed at this time of year. This spell will refresh you. First place a spice-scented candle on a table and sprinkle nutmeg around it, but don't light the candle yet. Darken the room and close the drapes. Sit in the center of the room. Breathe deeply and close your eyes. Let the darkness calm you, feel it healing you. Do this as long as you wish.
Gradually return to your everyday world. Turn on the lights, open the drapes-let the light flood the room with positive energy. Now light the candle and feel a sense of warmth and well-being return to you. You should feel a tingling sensation from your feet to your head. Sprinkle a few grains of the nutmeg over the candle's flame to release its healing properties. Burn the candle a while, then extinguish it.
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