POSTED UNDER Charm, Spring, Sun

Spring Forward

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Almond
Daylight Saving Time reminds us to focus on the sun as it lights our lives. Turn clocks forward one hour at 2:00 am. The sun correlates to fire, the element of transformation and swift change. Spring is upon us, and change comes as fast as a fire sweeping away old dead wood.
Today is a good opportunity to make sudden, definite changes. If you want to quit something cold turkey (like switching from regular to decaffeinated coffee) or institute a new habit (like spending an hour in the gym each week), now is the time. Set clear parameters for the improvement you want to make in your life, and go for it.
Here is a charm for empowering your transformation:

"Out with the old, in with the new!
Spring forward tells us what to do.
Clocks leap ahead as sun returns;
What's new springs up as the old
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