POSTED UNDER Cat, Job, Passion

A Magickal Act of Declaration

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
On this day in 1986, pop musical artist Lady Gaga was born.
Gaga is known for her avant-garde and eccentric public performances and her support for equality and human rights, themes touched upon in her hit song "Born This Way."
Today, wear something as an outward declaration of who you are and celebrate what makes If you are GLBT, you might wish to wear a pride bracelet or t-shirt. Similarly, perhaps you wish to wear a symbol of your faith. Do you have a cause you passionately care about and work for? Wear swag promoting the cause. Even if you cannot wear the items to work or another location out of concern for safety, job security, or other reasons, wear them under other clothing and then "let your flag fly free" in your off time in safe locations.
Even a simple act of declaration is a powerful act of magick!
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