Calendar Blessing

Almost all of us have a few dates which cause us anxiety each year-a particularly stressful holiday, the anniversary of a personal tragedy, or the beginning of a heavy work period at work or school. Diminish the power of these days by going through your calendar. On each day which causes you distress, pause for a moment, invoke divine energy, and place your finger on the date. Bless the day. If you like, draw a small symbol which represents powerful positive energy-perhaps an ankh, a lunar symbol, or any other image which has positive meaning to you. Face each day when it comes with the knowledge that divine forces are working to mitigate its negative effect.
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About deTraci Regula
A student of the sacred sciences since childhood, deTraci Regula explores the mystical through writing, dreams, and art.  She has been a Priestess of Isis with the Fellowship of Isis since 1983.  With David Harrington, she is the co-author of the upcoming biography of their friend Scott ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=591