POSTED UNDER Cat, Curse, Wind

Break a Curse Spell

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
To destroy a curse, cast this spell at midnight. You'll need a fire in a fireplace, preferably; a cauldron will do. Gather three twigs, one each of oak, pine, and ash. Build a fire, but don't burn the twigs yet. Gazing at the flames, say:

"Fire, destroy the curse.
Its power I will reverse.
Twigs of oak, pine, and ash
Shall make the curse a thing of the past."

Lay the twigs upon the flames, and listen as they crackle and hiss. Say:

"Wood, burn, to the sender the curse shall return."

Now angrily spit into the fire three times, and say with all your heart:

"Sacred wood, consumed by firelight,
Thank you for your help tonight.
I thank the guardians of east, west, north, and south.
May this curse die within the fire's mouth!
Let the ashes cool for seven days, then scatter them to the wind. As you do so, laugh!"
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