POSTED UNDER Peace, Protection, Water

Light and Dark Waters

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Violet
Create a magical light water to aid you in positive emotional workings, weddings, and spiritual attunements. Into a two-fluid-ounce bottle, carefully add a pinch of sea salt, slivers of selenite, freshwater pearls, and fluorite gravel. Fill this bottle with water from a sacred well. Use this water whenever you need the presence of light, peace, and protection.
Create a magical dark water to aid you in negative emotional release, banishing spells, and hex work. Into a two-fluid-ounce bottle, combine a pinch of black salt, charcoal slivers, and a jet stone. Fill this bottle with black water from a cesspool, pond, or swamp. Use this water whenever you need to cope with trauma, recover from survivalism, or engage in shadow magic.
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