A Spell for Calm and Peace

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood
Today is the feast day of Saint Seraphim, a Russian monk and mystic known for his gentleness. This spell in his honor will help you achieve calm and peace.
You'll need a rose-quartz crystal and a pink candle. Light the candle and place the crystal in front of it. Relax as you gaze at the candle. Visualize a pink light coming from the crystal; let it surround you. Repeat this quote from Saint Seraphim three times:

"Acquire a peaceful spirit, and around you thousands will be saved."

Snuff out the candle and relax again. As you go through the day and face a difficult person or situation, "see" that pink light surrounding you and remember the quote. Maybe the person you're dealing with is having a bad day; put yourself in their position. Think of your spell and turn on the charm. You'll be able to face anything.
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