Going to Battle

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Ginger
When you have exhausted all other options, sometimes putting on the battle armor to go to war is the only option. If you have been faced with a situation at work-be it harassment or discrimination-and you need to go to the next level, you will want to make sure you are prepared.
Today, you can tap into the Mars energies to help you when you decide to confront the issue. Visualize yourself in a solid suit of armor. This suit completely surrounds and protects you and will continue to do so when you take the issue up with your supervisor or human resources. Mars will lend you his battle readiness and keep you level-headed. When you are ready, you can call on him for added protection and strength:

"Mars, lend to me a clear and battleready head, free of emotion and doubt.
Keep me grounded and ready."
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