Consolation Spell

For a tactfully subtle approach to a hurt or angry person, make them a small gift containing comfrey. This could be a candle anointed in the oil, bath bubbles containing a few drops, a pouch containing comfrey, or a lotion or salve with the herbal essences. Invest the gift with optimism. See them learning from their present situation, rising high, succeeding in every area of endeavor. Now give your gift with a simple: "I brought you this." Even if they may not show it instantly, they will benefit in good time.
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About Kala Trobe
A lifelong student of the Mysteries and practitioner of conscious connection with the Divine, Kala Trobe paints and writes on such themes as spiritual evolution, goddesses and magicks. She works as a Tarot-based counsellor, holds an MA with Distinction in Literature, and relishes languages, visual ...
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